
My first steps

Key Terms and Features

What is Diggle?

My first Diggle

Invite participants

Participant limits

Create a Diggle

Interactive slides

Content slides

Create a test with a passing grade

Create and run a quiz

Customize logo

Present live

Present using Fullscreen

Interactive Result Layouts

Display the QR code

Open and Close Submission

Show results on devices

Invite participants

Anonymous Login

Register Participant Information

Invite using QR code

Invite by Email

Edit Expiration Time and Code

Results and reports

Results and Reports

Web Report

Excel report

Remove Participants from Report

Filter the Report

Collaborate with others

Collaborate on content creation

Present a shared Diggle simultaneously?

Ai - the Diggle Buddy

Creating with AI

Company workspace

Company workspace settings

Edit content after creating a QR code?

Company Workspace

Account and settings


How do I exercise my GDPR rights?

GDPR rights for respondents

What is GDPR?


User account and password policy

FAQ & Troubleshooting

How to interact with the result layouts

How to switch between numbers and percentages

How do I use Diggle for remote learning and surveys?

My participants are seeing the wrong slide

How do I recover a deleted Diggle or session?



Importing slides


Importing slides

Importing slides


Send out invitation link

Importing slides


Send out invitation link

Send out invitation link