Filter the Report

Results & Reports
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Filtering your report lets you focus on specific data points, making your analysis more targeted and effective. Here’s how you can utilize the filtering options in Diggle’s Report Builder:

Access the filter panel

The Filter panel is located on the left side of the Report Builder. When you apply your filters, the report automatically updates.


Apply Filters

Sessions Filter

Click on the checkboxes to select multiple sessions. Then, use the “Combine Report” button to merge these sessions into one report.

Participants Filter

Enable the “Anonymize Participants” checkbox to anonymize participants, which removes their names from the report.

Content Slides

Check the “Include Content Slides” checkbox to include or exclude content slides such as videos and images.

Individual Results

Enable the “Include Individual Results” checkbox to display individual participant results. Please note that due to the potential size of the file, individual results will only be available for Excel download, not PDF or PPT.

Include answer key

Apply the “Include answer key” filter to include the correct/incorrect answer to a question where applicable.

Session filters
RPI Filters

If RPI (register participant information) was used during the session, you can apply these filters based on fields set up.

Filter questions (Multiple Choice Questions): 

Use filters to focus on specific answers. For example, if participants chose “Option B” in Question 3, you can filter to see how these participants responded to other questions.


With these filtering options, you can easily tailor your report to focus on the most relevant data, giving you clearer insights and more accurate analysis.​