Select question types

Create a Diggle
Table of Contents

Navigate to the Builder

Log in to your Diggle account.

Go to Builder where you can create a new Diggle or edit an existing one.


Add a Slide

Click the “Add Slide” button to add questions to your Diggle.

Select question type

Select the one that fits your needs from the list of question types in the Type-tab. Diggle offers a variety of question types including:

Multiple Choice Participants choose one or more options from a list.

Open Text Participants provide a written response.

Scales Participants rate something on a predefined scale.

Word Cloud Participants submit words or phrases that are displayed as a word cloud.

Content Non-interactive slides for displaying text, images and video.


Go here to discover details about each question type.

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Customize your question

Fill in the question text and add any necessary instructions.

For multiple-choice questions, add the answer options.

Set any specific settings, such as allowing multiple answers, range, text answers, and much more, depending on the question type.

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Add additional content 

You can add images, videos, or other media to your questions to make them more interactive and engaging. 

Test your Diggle

Previewing your Diggle’s a good practice to ensure everything is working as expected.

Use the “Test” feature to test the flow and functionality of your questions.

Tips for effective question design

Be Clear and Concise

Ensure that your questions are straightforward and easy to understand.

Use Variety

Mix different types of questions to keep participants engaged.

Visuals and Media

Incorporate images and videos to enhance the interaction.