How do I exercise my GDPR rights?

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The GDPR is designed to give you, as an individual, more control over your personal data online. When a company has information that might identify you as an individual, you have rights over what happens to that data.

This data and how you exercise your rights will differ based on who you are and how you interact with Diggle. This article covers the common scenarios, but if your questions aren’t answered here, you can contact us.

I am a respondent and I’ve sent my personal information through a Diggle

If you have responded to a Diggle, it is the Creator of the Diggle that is responsible for your personal data. You can read more in this article.

I am a Diggle user, and I’m collecting personal information through Diggle

As stated in our Privacy Policy, it is your responsibility as a Creator or Account Owner to ensure you manage the personal data you collect in a manner that complies with GDPR and local law.

I am a Diggle user, and I want to exercise my GDPR rights

As an individual, your rights regarding GDPR can be exercised in different places of the Diggle app. You can rectify your personal data, like email, name and profile picture, in your Account settings and your billing information in the Subscription setting. You can also exercise your right to erasure in your account settings by deleting your account.

If you wish to move the data you have collected, you can always download your results as an Excel file by opening the Report functionality and clicking ‘download’.

You can contact us here to access what data we have, add any objections to your personal data, or access other data you wish to move.