Question types : topics

Categorized Response

Categorized Response is an advanced text-based question type where participants respond to specific categories with open text inputs. It organizes discussions around different aspects of a topic.

Choose Image

The “Choose Image” question type lets participants select from various images as their response. This is particularly useful when visual input is essential, such as design workshops or product evaluations.

Multiple Choice

The Multiple-Choice question type is an interactive slide in which participants can select one or more options. It also supports Quiz mode.

Open Text

The Open Text question type allows participants to freely express their thoughts or answers in their own words.

It’s ideal for gathering detailed feedback, ideas, or insights that go beyond multiple-choice options. This type encourages deeper engagement and provides valuable qualitative data.

Pin on Image

In the Pin on Image question type, the participants will plot pins on a custom image you have uploaded.


The Scales question type lets you measure multiple aspects of a topic in one question, ideal for gauging opinions or satisfaction levels

Select Order

The Select Order question type allows participants to arrange a list of options in a specific order based on their preferences or understanding.

This is useful for exercises that involve ranking or sequencing items according to priority, importance, or chronology criteria.

Word Cloud

The Word Cloud question type allows participants to answer with short phrases and words. When showing the results, the more popular words will be more significant, and the more often a word is written, the larger it will be.


Brainstorm is a Multistep question type in which inputs from the first question slide carry through to all the following slides. Brainstorm can be set up to include two to four steps/slides.

Emoji Vote

The Emoji Vote is a sliding scale that goes from an “angry” emoji to a “love” emoji.

You can use this as a more lighthearted and fun way of getting feedback or as a mood check-in, but by changing the Emoji with other images, it can also be used in