Create and run a quiz

Create a Diggle
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Creating a quiz in Diggle is an engaging way to test knowledge and encourage competition among participants. Here’s how to set up and run a quiz from scratch, including detailed settings and options. Of course, you can also use the Create Quiz feature on the home page or AI-assisted creation for an easier start. This guide is a detailed explanation of all the different features.


How does a quiz work?

Participants compete to get the most points by submitting correct answers to quiz questions.

The presenter progresses through the quiz, pausing for players to answer at each slide.

All players see the question simultaneously on their devices and submit their answers before time runs out.

You can also run a quiz without the timer or in the audience navigation pace, allowing for asynchronous participation.

Finally, you can also use a quiz for a test, like an exam, with a passing grade. Read here to learn more.

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Step 1: Choosing a quiz question type

In the Builder, select one of the quiz-enabled slide types:

Multiple choice

Multiple choice questions with text or image answers.

Select Order

Arranging statements in the correct order.

More to come soon

A leaderboard slide will automatically generate after each quiz slide to reveal points tallied for every question before it.

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Step 2: Editing a Quiz Slide


Write Your Question

Enter the question in the ‘Your question’ box.


Activate Quiz functionality 

Toggle the “Quiz functionality” button to activate quiz functionality. If not, the question type will behave like a regular multiple-choice question without scoring and a leaderboard.


Write Answer Options

Add answer options, marking the correct ones (Activate “Reply settings” to allow for more answers)


Change the Points Settings

Adjust how the points are counted.

Must not miss any: Players must get all the answers you’ve marked as correct to earn points.


The more the better: Participants get more points for each correct answer but will get 0 points if they get any incorrect answers.


Speed bonus (See general settings): When Speed Bonus is enabled, participants can earn bonus points based on the speed of their answers. The faster they provide the correct answer, the more bonus points they receive in addition to their regular score.


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Additional Settings


Feedback about the topic

For each question, you can provide additional topic information to be revealed after participants submit their answers. This can include:

Detailed explanations for the correct answer.

Additional context or background information related to the topic.

Suggestions for further study or resources for deeper understanding.

This helps participants learn more about the topic and understand why their answers were correct or incorrect.

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Step 3: Joining a Quiz

Invite players to join your quiz via a URL or QR code, just like for a regular Diggle. Participants can enter their names or choose nicknames.

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Step 4: Presenting a Quiz

Once all players have joined, start the quiz. Each question will appear on both the presenter’s screen and participants’ devices (unless you have adjusted this in the settings or you have selected the audience-paced navigation). Continue through the quiz until the final winner is announced.

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Quiz Report

After the quiz, you can view the report to analyze performance or share the results with the participants.

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General Quiz Settings

Show leaderboard slide after all quiz questions

Diggle shows a leaderboard by default after each quiz question. Turn it off for manual control.

Displayed: Shows on participant devices and presenter screens when included in the Diggle timeline.

Final Leaderboard: After the last quiz question or leaderboard slide, the participant’s device shows a results screen with a trophy icon.

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5-Second Countdown

Enabled: Displays a 5-second countdown before participants can answer.

Disabled: Skips the countdown, allowing immediate responses.

Seconds to Answer

Per Question: Set a specific time limit for each individual question (measured in seconds).

Total: Set a cumulative time limit for the entire quiz (measured in minutes). This is ideal for scenarios like passing grade exams where the focus is on completing the whole quiz within a specific timeframe.

Show Results on Device

Enabled: Participants see their results on their devices.

Disabled: Participants do not see their individual results.


Points Settings

Speed Bonus: Awards more points for faster answers. Only available per question, not the total quiz.

Max points: The maximum number of points possible to get on that question. Any correct answer will receive maximum points if the ‘Speed bonus’ box is unchecked.

Play as Teams

We’re working on it.

Shuffle Options

We’re working on it.

Audience-Paced Quizzes

Set up self-paced quizzes for participants to complete at their convenience. Navigate to Settings and select Navigation mode ‘Audience (self-paced)’. You can also do this by clicking Share in the builders’ top bar. Participants will proceed through each question independently, seeing their rankings on leaderboard slides.

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Why isn’t my quiz asking players for their names?

Ensure you haven’t selected Anonymous login. You can only have a quiz with people having something to identify them.

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How can I clear player answers on my quiz?

Clear all responses in your quiz in the More menu in Result. This does not affect the quiz content.

How can I test my quiz?

Use Test Mode or join the quiz on your phone to check it out. Be sure to clear your answers after testing.

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