Leaderboard Calculation

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The leaderboard calculation feature in Diggle helps you choose how to display quiz results, either by showing scores from the entire session (Total) or focusing on specific quizzes within a session (Limited).

This is great for sessions with multiple quizzes, making it easier to see who’s leading overall or within a specific part. You can tweak these settings when you set up the Leaderboard slide or during the session from the Backstage or Presenter menu.

Please note: The leaderboard calculation determines how quizzes’ results are summarized and displayed, while the quiz point calculation controls how points are awarded based on different criteria, like speed or accuracy. 

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Selecting leaderboard calculation

By default, the leaderboard calculation is set to Total.

You can change to Limited in the Content tab of the leaderboard slide, which follows every quiz question by default.

You can also change leaderboard calculations while running a live presentation in the navigation and Backstage menus.


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Limited leaderboard calculation

This setting calculates scores and rankings only for the most recent quiz within the Diggle session, making it ideal for sessions with multiple, distinct quizzes where individual feedback is needed.

A quiz is a sequence of quiz questions without any non-quiz slides in between. When you create a series of quiz questions, followed by non-quiz slides, and then another quiz, the system treats these as separate quizzes. The “Limited leaderboard calculation” summarizes scores only for the latest quiz, excluding earlier ones.

Total leaderboard calculation

Imagine you’re running an all-day workshop or training session with multiple quizzes that cover different topics.

Throughout the day, your Diggle session includes various quizzes interspersed with non-quiz content like discussions or presentations.

By using the “Total leaderboard calculation” setting, you can provide participants with an overall ranking based on their performance across all quizzes in the session.