Interactive Result Layouts

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When presenting, you can interact with result displays, like bar charts, wall of text, and doughnut charts, to gain further insights into participant responses.

How to interact with the result layouts


Clicking result displays

During your presentation, click on any part of the result displays (e.g., a bar in a bar chart or a section of a doughnut chart). This will reveal additional details about that segment.

Identify respondents

Clicking on a part of the display will show a list of participants who selected that specific answer, helping you understand the distribution of responses and see who chose each option.

Additional Text Responses

For questions that allow open-text answers in addition to selection options, clicking on the relevant segment will display these text responses (i.e., Multiple choice with the Explain answer feature activated). 

Switch between percentages and numbers

Clicking on any number allows you to toggle between viewing the results as percentages or absolute numbers.

Benefits of interacting with result displays

Get clearer insights
See precisely who chose what and read their extra comments, helping you better understand the group’s thinking.

Keep everyone engaged
Make your presentation more lively by showing detailed info on the spot, keeping your audience interested.

Flexible data views
Easily switch between percentages and numbers to show data in a way that makes sense for your audience.

See the whole picture.
Check out additional text responses along with the data to get a fuller understanding of what everyone’s thinking.