Choose Image

Question types
Table of Contents

The “Choose Image” question type lets participants select from various images as their response. This is particularly useful when visual input is essential, such as design workshops or product evaluations. 

Example: Imagine you’re conducting a branding workshop and ask participants to select which logo best represents a company’s values.

Each image represents a different logo, and participants choose the one they feel is most appropriate, sparking discussion on brand perception.

Adding images and options

You can upload your images in the Options fields by clicking the image icon for each option.

You can insert text that will accompany the images in the text fields. 

If you have a question with a correct answer, use the checkmark to mark the option as correct.


Explain answer

 When Explain answer is toggled on, the participants can write a text explaining their choice.

Reply settings

You can customize the number of replies by setting a specific number, choosing a range, or allowing unlimited responses.


Result layout

The “Choose Image” question type offers two result display options:

Bar Chart Displays a horizontal bar chart with options in your set order.

Bar Chart – Sorted Also shows a horizontal bar chart but sorts options by popularity, with the most chosen at the top