
Question types
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The Scales question type lets you measure multiple aspects of a topic in one question, ideal for gauging opinions or satisfaction levels


Add scales and adjust labels

You can ask a question and add multiple scales to measure different aspects related to that question.

In the Option text field, specify what each scale should measure. 

You can add as many scales as needed by clicking the “+ Add Option”

Customize your scale

Adjust the Low and High values to set the scale’s range.

You can customize your scale by naming each label.

Use the “Enter low label” and “Enter high label” fields to define the names for the lowest and highest points, such as “Poor” and “Excellent.”

To provide clear guidance, you can also label the numbers in between.

If your scale ranges from 1 to 10, use the “Set mid values” dropdown to name the values within the scale, like labeling 5 as “Average.


Skip scale and Explain answer

By default, participants must respond to all scales in your question.

To make scales optional, activate the “Allow to skip scale” toggle, allowing participants to skip any scale they choose.

For more qualitative data, enable “Explain answer.” This adds a textbox below each scale for participants to elaborate on their choice.

Result layout options

Horizontal layout Displays multiple scales (up to four) on a single page, providing a clear visual overview.

Vertical layoutEach scale is shown on its own page with results presented as a bar chart.

Line layoutIdeal for tracking trends with larger numbers of participants and values.

Wall of Text Available only if “Explain answer” is activated, this layout displays all text responses together on one page.